
Welcome to our blog!

Hi, everyone! It's a pleasure to have you here! We are a group of 27 students from Escola Móbile in São Paulo, Brazil. In our classes in unit 4 we studied about free time activities. We talked about the activities we do in our free time and when we do them. After that, we started our make-believe pedagogical activity. Students were introduced to some remarkable personalities and interesting folklore characters. Then, they worked on a role-play task. They produced short dialogues in which they present their favorite personalities or characters and what they believe they like doing in their free time. In addition, each student was in charge of producing a puppet to mime his/her personality/character. The next step was the video recording in which they perform their conversation using their puppets. Finally, you can see what they have done!
Enjoy our project and we hope to see you around.
Teacher Elaine and 5E students.


Dear all! Please have a look at our power point presentation about the special people you meet here!

Unit 4 - Mark, Beatriz, Dylan and Gabriel B.

Poseidon- I'm Poseidon. Who are you insignifcant earth creatures?
Nelson Mandela- I'm Nelson Mandela. I've heard stories that you live in the ocean, is that right?
Poseidon- That's right, what do you do in your free time?
Nelson Mandela- I like to play ping-pong and I watch the animals in the African savana. And you?
Poseidon- I watch seahorse races and I go to the surface to make it rain. I also like to talk with Davy Jones.
Nelson Mandela- That's cool! I'm going to talk with Walt Disney. Hi, Walt Disney. What do you do in your free time? 
Walt Disney- I like to draw and to write stories. Where's Martin Luther King?
Nelson Mandela- MARTIN!
Martin Luther King-  Good afternoon, everybody!
Walt Disney- What do you do in your free time, Martin?
Martin Luther King- Interesting question... I like to play soccer and I sing pop music.
Walt Disney- OK! Goodbye! I need to draw some new cartoons.
Everybody- See you later. Bye!

Unit 4 - Victor, Carlo, Antonia and Giulia

- Hi, Martin Luther King! What do you do in your free time?
- I use the computer. And you, Neil Armstrong?
- I watch TV every night. Angelina, what do you do in your free time?
- I go to the shopping mall. And you, Steven?
- I make films! OK guys, see you later.
- BYE!

Unit 4 - Camila, Gabriel M, João Pedro, Julia.

-Hi, Nelson Mandela.

-Hello, Saci Perere.

-Hi, people!

-Good afternoon! Saci Perere, what  do you do in your free time?

-I jump rope every day. What about you, Bono Vox?

-I play the guitar in my shows every day. And you, Nelson Mandela?

-I watch rugby games. And you, J. K. Rowling?

-I write every day. Oh, my God! I'm late for my interview!

-I'm going to Sitio do Picapau Amarelo.

-I'm going to Ireland.

-I'm going to Mc Donald's island.


Unit 4 - Gabriel B, Gabriela C, Juliana, Joao Victor

Bono Vox: Hello, Saci Perere and Shakira.
Shakira and Saci Perere: Hello!!
Walt Disney: Hello, everybody!
Bono Vox: How are you?
Shakira and Saci Perere: I'm fine!
Saci Perere: What do you do in your free time, Walt Disney?
Walt Disney: I make films. And you, Shakira ?
Shakira: I practice boxing. And you, Saci Perere?
Saci  Perere: I jump rope. And you, Bono Vox?
Bono Vox: I sing in my free time.
Walt Disney: Bye, I have to make a film.
Saci Perere: And I have to jump rope.
Shakira: Bye, I have a competition.
Bono Vox: Bye, I have a show.
Everybody: See you later!

Unit 4 - Frederico, Gabriela F, Lucca and Pamella

- Hello, Nadia!
- Hello, Poseidon!
- Nadia, what do you do in your free time?
- I do gymnastics every day. And you?
- I swim on weekends.
- Nice! Oh! Hi, Senna!
- Hi, Nadia. Hi, Poseidon.
- Hi! Oh!  You are here, Walt Disney!
- Hello, everybody!
- Walt Disney, what do you do in your free time?
- I watch TV every night. And you ?
- I play soccer on Mondays.
- OK! Bye!
- Bye!
- Bye!
- Bye! 

Unit 4 - Gustavo, Marcelo, Lara and Roberta

- Hi, friends!
- Hello, Saci Perere!
- What do you do in your free time, Mandela?
- I walk in the park every day. And you, Saci?
- I jump every day.
- Good afternoon. 
- Hello, Neil Armstrong!
- Hi, people!!
- Hi, Cleopatra!
- What do you do in your free time, Cleopatra?
- I walk in the desert every day.
- Oh, that's good.
- And you, Neil Armstrong? What do you do in your free time?
- I go to the moon on Fridays.
- Bye, friends. Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!

Unit 4 - Ricardo, Fernando, Raquel and Sofia

- Hi, Mandela.
- Hi, Luther. What do you do in you free time?
- I play videogame and computer games.
- When?
- On weekends. And you?
- I play tennis.
- When do you play tennis?
- On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- LOOK! Poseidon and J.K. Rowling are coming.
- Hi, Luther and Mandela! 
- Hi!
- Hi, Poseidon. What do you do in your free time?
- I swim every day. And you?
- I surf the net every night.
- Bye, everybody.
- BYE!!!


Welcome to our blog!

Hi, everyone! It's a pleasure to have you here! We are a group of 27 students from Escola Móbile in São Paulo, Brazil. In our classes in unit 4 we studied about free time activities. We talked about the activities we do in our free time and when we do them. After that, we started our make-believe pedagogical activity. Students were introduced to some remarkable personalities and interesting folklore characters. Then, they worked on a role-play task. They produced short dialogues in which they present their favorite personalities or characters and what they believe they like doing in their free time. In addition, each student was in charge of producing a puppet to mime his/her personality/character. The next step was the video recording in which they perform their conversation using their puppets. Finally, you can see what they have done!
Enjoy our project and we hope to see you around.
Teacher Elaine and 5E students.