
Unit 4 - Mark, Beatriz, Dylan and Gabriel B.

Poseidon- I'm Poseidon. Who are you insignifcant earth creatures?
Nelson Mandela- I'm Nelson Mandela. I've heard stories that you live in the ocean, is that right?
Poseidon- That's right, what do you do in your free time?
Nelson Mandela- I like to play ping-pong and I watch the animals in the African savana. And you?
Poseidon- I watch seahorse races and I go to the surface to make it rain. I also like to talk with Davy Jones.
Nelson Mandela- That's cool! I'm going to talk with Walt Disney. Hi, Walt Disney. What do you do in your free time? 
Walt Disney- I like to draw and to write stories. Where's Martin Luther King?
Nelson Mandela- MARTIN!
Martin Luther King-  Good afternoon, everybody!
Walt Disney- What do you do in your free time, Martin?
Martin Luther King- Interesting question... I like to play soccer and I sing pop music.
Walt Disney- OK! Goodbye! I need to draw some new cartoons.
Everybody- See you later. Bye!

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